Monday, February 2

Top 10 Things That are hard for a Chubby Person

1. Walking up stairs ( I experienced that today trying to make more of an effort to get healthy)
2.Tying you shoes
3. Fitting into single digit clothes
4. Playing with kids
5.Fitting into movie theater seats
6. Feeling cute
7. Break dancing
8.Touching your toes (which is why you can't tie your shoes very easy)
9. Trying to hide your double chin. ( I haven't found a solution to this one yet)
10.Running for your life (fyi if it came down to me running for my life, let's just say I am screwed!)

1 comment:

Dolly said...

I can vouch to all of these:) I can tie my shoes, but fitting into single digit outfits is not happening yet!